Monday, June 28, 2010

Crafty happenings

If you've talked to me for any length of time, or visited our office in the last year or so, you will probably have picked up that I have a thing for craft. It is just a "slight" addiction!!

It doesn't really matter what the craft is, I dabble here and there, and switch my current interests from month to month. There are a few crafts that seem to continue to stick around, sewing, knitting, beading and crochet. One of my favourite blogs is Attic24. I love Lucy's cheerful view of the world and the bright colours she uses in her blog and her crochet. I'm also very jealous of her house and her town, one day I want to go and visit her part of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo.

    Thanks for sharing your Attic24 blog. While I am not really into craft (I like arty-crafty things but they don't like me much), I love her photos - they're great! So simple and colourful, they brought a smile to my face :)

