Monday, June 28, 2010

Homework done!!

Phew!! (wipes brow) homework is done, now I can stop stressing about making time to do it before the next session on Wednesday.

Stop reading now if you don't want to read my rant!! (steps onto soapbox)

I've been thinking about commenting. I think the fact that you can comment on blogs can be useful. But, it really bugs me on some of the blogs that I read that people seem to make comments just for the sake of making comments. It also bugs me when people leave nasty comments attacking the writer, or the topic they are writing about, etc etc. I understand that as the blog writer it gives you warm fuzzies to see that people are reading and commenting on your blog but can't we have a real world conversation!! Is commenting for the sake of commenting really worth the time?? Must say though that this is just my opinion and I already know that in real life conversations I only comment if I think I have something of value to add, I'm just carrying this on into my blogging too.

(steps off soapbox)

1 comment:

  1. Commenting just for the sake of commenting? Like this? Oh God, now I want to take back the comment I made on your last post. Forgive me please for commenting without purpose. Please continue to talk to me when I wander into the Project office. Please.....

    A commenter
